Photo by Birtha Knight |
Educational, cultural and historical pedagogy are the words I used to describe my detailed itinerary while in Peru as a Fulbright Scholar. I am very grateful for this unforgettable opportunity to connect with many different Peruvians on many socioeconomic levels, and for exploring the entire country from coast to coast. Below is my detailed itinerary
Photo by Birtha Knight |
- Study of Spanish language & Hispanic Culture with Professor Lilia Inga Moya, Instructor of Spanish
- Greetings and Welcome on Una Visión de la Literatura Peruana: desde Ricardo Palma Hasta Arguedas by Dr. Ivan Rodriguez Chavez , President of Universidad Ricardo Palma
- Presentation on Panorámico Histórico del Perú Profundo by Dr. Wilfredo Kapsoli, Professor of History
- Presentation on El Quechua, Pasado y Presente by Dr. Mario Mejia
- Presentation on Tres Escritores Emblemáticos del Perú: César Vallejo,Blanca Varela y Mario Vargas L Losa” by osario Valdivia Paz Soldan, Director, University Library
- Presentation on El Perú , Fuente de Recursos Naturales para el Mundo by Dr. Mercedes Gonzalez, Director Natural Resources
- Presentation on El Arte Integral Contemporáneo del Perú: la Fusión Entre la Literatura y la Pintura by Lic. Ever Arrascue Arevalo, Prof of Fine and Plastic Arts
- Presentation on Mujer Peruana en el Siglo XXI: Historia y Perspectiva by Diana Miloslavich, Director Centro de la Mujer Peruana “Flora Tristan”
- Presentation on La Cultura Chicha o los Informales de Lima by Mag. Eduardo Arroyo Laguna
- Presentation on El Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Peru y Estados Unidos: Minorias y Globalizacion by Carlos Velarde Reyes, Economist
- Presentation on La Irrealidad Mediatica del Peru by Lic. Fernando Málaga Málaga, Director del Instituto de Comunicación Integral
- Campus visit, Casona de San Marcos by Marissa Bazan, Historian
Photo by Birtha Knight |
Photo by Birtha Knight |
- Visit to the Afro-Peruvian community of El Carmen
- Visit to the Afro-Peruvian community of El Guayabo.
- Meeting and discussion with community leaders and with area Afro-Peruvian youth organizations.
- Guest of the Afro-Peruvian Asociación Cultural Margaritas, Chincha, Ica & Makungu para el Desarrollo, Lima
Photo by Birtha Knight |
Photo by Birtha Knight |
- Visit to the religious shrines of the city of Catacaos led by Professor José Miguel Godoy Curay (UNP).
- Visit to Grau Museum with Professor José Miguel Godos Curay, Professor, UNP.
- Visit to Piura Municipal Museum with Professor José Miguel Godos Curay, UNP.
- Evaluation and/Research and personal exploration/Material collection
Photo by Birtha Knight |
- Visit to th eAfro-Peruvian community of Yapatera
- Conversation-roundtable with community leaders.
- Lunch and meeting with area school teachers and classroom visitation.
- Visit to the Afro-Peruvian community of Morropon.
- Conversation-roundtable with community leaders.
- Lunch and meeting with area school teachers and classroom visitation.
Photo by Birtha Knight |
- Presentation on Tradiciones Culturales Prehispánicas del Norte del Perú by Dr. Walter Alva
- Visit to the Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipan Museum by Dr. Walter Alva
- Visit to the Museo Nacional de Sican(Sican/Lambayeque Culture) b Instituto Nacional de Cultura Docents
- Visit to the Afro-Peruvian town of Zaña
- Guided tour of the Afro-Peruvian Museum of Zaña (Professor Sonia Arteaga, Director of the Museum, Zaña)
- Lunch and meeting with Zaña Afroperuvian community leaders and youth organizations.
- Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNP), Trujillo
- Greetings and welcome by President, UNP
- Presentation on Huacas del Sol y de la Luna, 20 años de Investigaciones by Dr. Santiago Uceda, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
- Presentation on Rbanismo y Arquitectura Moche: el Caso de las Huacas del Sol by Dr. Santiago Uceda, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
- Visit to the Mud-Brick Citadel of Chanchan (Pre-inca Chimu civilization and Pre-Hispanic) Instituto Nacional de Cultura docent-guides
- Instituto Geofisico del Peru (IGP) (Peru’s Geophysical Institute)
- Greetings and Welcome by Dr. Ronal Woodman, Direct
- Presentation on El Cambio Climático en el Perú y su Impacto Económico – social (1990-2010) by Dr. Ken Takahashi Gueva
- Presentation on El sistema de Vigilancia de la Actividad Sísmica del IGP by Dr. Hernan Jhonny Tavera Hurach)
- Visited of GP facilities by Dr. Ronal Woodman and Staff
- Visit to the following sites in Colonial Lima by Dr. Raul Galvez Cuellar
- Discussion of the role played by these institutions in colonial and republican Peru.
- Visit to Church of San Francisco catacombs (Sixteenth Century)
- Visit to Church of Santo Domingo (Sixteenth Century)
- Visit to La Merced Convent (Sixteenth Century)
- Visit to Lima National Cathedral
- Visit to Lima City Hall and meeting with councilmen
- Visit to the National Inquisition Museum
- Visit to the Congreso de la República (National Parliament)
- Meeting with Afro-Peruvian members of parliament and luncheon.
- Discussion regarding Afro-Peruvians involvement in political life and their representation in state institutions.
- Visit to tour of the National Afro-Peruvian Museum
- Lima, Fiestas Patrias (Peru Independence Day)
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